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assay metabolomics template

Template for Metabolomics [Source]

Attribute Description Required columnType DependsOn Source Parent Valid Values
acquisitionBatchID Acquisition batch identifier, provided by the data contributor to Sage Bionetworks. The batch identifier(s) must be stored in a data dictionary .csv file uploaded to Synapse False STRING ManifestColumn
acquisitionBatchSize The number of samples False STRING ManifestColumn
acquisitionBatchSizeUnit The unit of measurement for number of samples in a batch False STRING ManifestColumn
acquisitionMode The specific aspect of a mass spectrometer method by which mass ranges are selected and possibly dissociated (full scan, MSn, SIM, MRM, etc.). Provide a value OR provide one of these values - Unknown Not collected, Not applicable, Not specified True STRING ManifestColumn
acquisitionSoftware The name of the acquisition software used. Provide a value OR provide one of these values - Unknown Not collected, Not applicable, Not specified True STRING ManifestColumn
batchID ID used to identify a batch, provided by the data contributor to Sage Bionetworks. The batch identifier(s) must be stored in a data dictionary .csv file uploaded to Synapse False STRING ManifestColumn
batchLabel Used to supply batch label information with any string value False STRING ManifestColumn
dataFile Name of additional file(s) accompanying the data. The file(s) provide, for example, the name of any raw files generated by the instrument, generated reports from a vendor, an Rscript, or an instructions document. The files can be instrument raw files, converted peak lists such as mzML, MGF, or result files like mzIdentML. The files can be additional documentation submitted alongside the data needed for reuse and sharing purposes. Provide the file names of any additional files submitted alongside the data (ex., an ADAT file). Multiple file names can be separated by (;)Provide a value OR provide one of these values - Unknown Not collected, Not applicable, Not specified True STRING ManifestColumn
databaseName The name of the search database (nr, SwissProt or est_human, and/or mass spectral library). Provide a value OR provide one of these values - Unknown Not collected, Not applicable, Not specified True STRING ManifestColumn
databaseSource The name of the organization, project, or laboratory from where the database is obtained (UniProt, NCBI, EBI, other). True STRING ManifestColumn
databaseWeblink An internet address that may provide details of a database or software search, as well as for labs that generate their own search method (web link). Provide a value OR provide one of these values - Unknown Not collected, Not applicable, Not specified True STRING ManifestColumn
experimentalBatchSizeUnit The unit of measurement for number of samples in a experimental batch False STRING ManifestColumn
extractionMethod The name of the process used to separate a desired component of an input material from the remainder. Provide a value OR provide one of these values - Unknown Not collected, Not applicable, Not specified True STRING ManifestColumn
gasFlowTemperature e.g., nebulization gas, cone gas, etc.Unit of measure-C, F, K, Not specified False NUMBER ManifestColumn
gasFlowTemperatureUnit Unit of gas flow temperature False STRING ManifestColumn C,F,K
hasAssayControl Boolean flag indicating whether or not a specimen is a technical or assay control. Examples include study pools or reference pools, blanks, or internal standards. False BOOLEAN ManifestColumn
hasIonizationSource Were the ionization conditions recorded to enable reproduction of the experiment? False BOOLEAN ManifestColumn No,Yes
instrumentModel The model of the instrument used. Provide a value OR provide one of these values - Unknown Not collected, Not applicable, Not specified True STRING ManifestColumn
ionProperty Ion charge state (positive or negative-ion analysis) False STRING ManifestColumn Negative,Positive
lensVoltages The skimmer/focusing lens voltages e.g., capillary voltage, etc. False NUMBER ManifestColumn
lensVoltagesUnit Unit of lens voltages False STRING ManifestColumn
measurementTechnique The name of the measurement technique describing the assay method. Provide a value OR provide one of these values - Unknown Not collected, Not applicable, Not specified True STRING ManifestColumn
msAnalyteType The type of biospecimen subjected to analysis (ex., peptide, protein, metabolite, lipid)Provide a value OR provide one of these values - Unknown Not collected, Not applicable, Not specified True STRING ManifestColumn
msAssayTechnique Specified the mass spectrometer technique used or the name of the proteomics assay used (ex. DDA)Provide a value OR provide one of these values - Unknown Not collected, Not applicable, Not specified True STRING ManifestColumn
msTarget Specifies whether or not a specific molecule(s) is/are targeted for detection/measurement by the assay True STRING ManifestColumn Not applicable,Not available,Not collected,Not specified,Targeted,Unknown,Untargeted
processingBatchID Processing batch identifier, provided by the data contributor to Sage Bionetworks. The batch identifier(s) must be stored in a data dictionary .csv file uploaded to Synapse False STRING ManifestColumn
sampleBatchID Sample batch lot identifier, provided by the data contributor to Sage Bionetworks. The batch identifier(s) must be stored in a data dictionary .csv file uploaded to Synapse False STRING ManifestColumn
sampleIntroduction The sample introduction and delivery. From GC, from LC, direct infusion without chromatography, direct infusion using dedicated autosampler flow rate. Provide a value OR provide one of these values - Unknown Not collected, Not applicable, Not specified True STRING ManifestColumn
samplePrepProtocol An internet address that may provide more details of the protocol information (web link). Provide a value OR provide one of these values - Unknown Not collected, Not applicable, Not specified True STRING ManifestColumn
sampleType The type of sample collected or the term used to describe the source of a biospecimen used for a laboratory test. Provide a value OR provide one of these values - Unknown Not collected, Not applicable, Not specified True STRING ManifestColumn
technologyPlatformVersion The specific version (application, manufacturer, model, lab, etc.) of a technology that is used to carry out a laboratory or computational experiment. Provide a value OR provide one of these values - Unknown Not collected, Not applicable, Not specified True STRING ManifestColumn
vacuumPressure The recorded vacuum pressure value False NUMBER ManifestColumn
vacuumPressureUnit Unit of vacuum pressure value False STRING ManifestColumn AFU,AI,AU/ml,bp g/dl,DK units/ml,g/l,gm,HAU,IU,iu/l,IU/ml,Kallikrein Inactivator Unit per Milliliter,kg,l,M,mg,mg/dl,mg/l,mg/ml,miu/ml,ml,mM,MOI,ng,ng/dl,ng/ml,ng/nl,ng/ul,nl,nM,Not specified,NPX,optical density,PFU,PFUe,pg,pg/mg creatinine,pg/ml,pg/nl,pg/ul,pl,pM,Pound,TCID50,ug,ug/dl,ug/l,ug/ml,ug/ul,uiu/ml,ul,uM,umol/l,units/ml
Component False
Filename False
acquistionSoftwareVersion False
batchSizeUnit False
experimentalBatchSize False
processingBatchSize False
processingBatchSizeUnit False
sampleBatchSize False
sampleBatchSizeUnit False
batchSize The number of samples False NUMBER sage.annotations-experimentalData.batchSize-0.0.2 ManifestColumn
specimenID Identifying string linked to a particular sample or specimen, provide by the data contributor True STRING sage.annotations-experimentalData.specimenID-0.0.2 ManifestColumn
controlType Control samples suitable for normalization and batch correction.Possible example values - GIS, GoldenWest, NIST SRM 1950, AIBL pool,Baker pool,water plus Baker ISTD, study pool, internal standards, Other, Unknown, Not collected, Not applicable, Not specified False STRING sage.annotations-experimentalData.controlType-0.0.5 ManifestColumn AIBL pool, Baker pool, blank injection, GIS, GoldenWest, NIST SRM 1950, qc mix, Replicate, study pool, water plus Baker ISTD
platformLocation The name of the laboratory, facility, vendor, company, or location where the data generation platform was located, provided by the data contributor. Provide a value OR provide one of these values - Unknown Not collected, Not applicable, Not specified True STRING sage.annotations-experimentalData.platformLocation-0.0.2 ManifestColumn
spectrometerFrequency The frequency at which a spectrometer causes hydrogen atoms to resonate (in MHz) False NUMBER sage.annotations-experimentalData.spectrometerFrequency-0.0.2 ManifestColumn