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module in the data model

Key Key Description Valid Values columnType Parent module
assay The analysis or technology used to generate the data in this file 10x multiome, 16SrRNAseq, active avoidance learning behavior, anxiety-related behavior, ATACSeq, atomicForceMicroscopy, autoradiography, Baker Lipidomics, Biocrates Bile Acids, Biocrates p180, Biocrates Q500, bisulfiteSeq, Blood Chemistry Measurement, brightfieldMicroscopy, cellViabilityAssay, ChIPSeq, CITESeq, contextual conditioning behavior, CUT&Tag, DIA, DNA optical mapping, electrochemiluminescence, elevated plus maze test, elevated T maze apparatus method, ELISA, errBisulfiteSeq, exomeSeq, FIA-MSMS, FitBark, frailty assessment, Genotyping, HI-C, HiChIPseq, high content screen, HPLC, HPLC-MSMS, Immunocytochemistry, immunofluorescence, immunohistochemistry, in vivo bioluminescence, ISOSeq, jumpingLibrary, kinesthetic behavior, label free mass spectrometry, Laser Speckle Imaging, LC-MS, LC-MSMS, LC-SRM, Leiden Oxylipins, lentiMPRA, LFP, liquid chromatography-electrochemical detection, lncrnaSeq, locomotor activation behavior, long-read rnaSeq, LTP, MDMS-SL, memory behavior, Metabolon, methylationArray, MIB/MS, microRNAcounts, mirnaArray, mirnaSeq, MRI, mRNAcounts, MudPIT, m6A-rnaSeq, nextGenerationTargetedSequencing, Nightingale NMR, NOMe-Seq, novelty response behavior, open field test, oxBS-Seq, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, photograph, polymeraseChainReaction, Positron Emission Tomography, proximity extension assay, questionnaire, Rader Lipidomics, Real Time PCR, Ribo-Seq, rotarod performance test, rnaArray, rnaSeq, RPPA, sandwich ELISA, Sanger sequencing, scale, scATACSeq, scCGIseq, scirnaSeq, scrnaSeq, scwholeGenomeSeq, SiMoA, snpArray, snATACSeq, snrnaSeq, spontaneous alternation, STARRSeq, TMT quantitation, tractionForceMicroscopy, UPLC-MSMS, UPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS, UC Davis GCTOF, UCSD Untargeted Metabolomics, Vernier Caliper, von Frey test, westernBlot, wheel running, whole-cell patch clamp, wholeGenomeSeq, Wishart Catecholamines, Wishart High Value Metabolites, Zeno Electronic Walkway, Not collected, Not specified, Not applicable, Other, Unknown STRING ManifestColumn experimentalData
controlType Control samples suitable for normalization and batch correction.Possible example values - GIS, GoldenWest, NIST SRM 1950, AIBL pool,Baker pool,water plus Baker ISTD, study pool, internal standards, Other, Unknown, Not collected, Not applicable, Not specified AIBL pool, Baker pool, blank injection, GIS, GoldenWest, NIST SRM 1950, qc mix, Replicate, study pool, water plus Baker ISTD STRING ManifestColumn experimentalData
platformLocation The name of the laboratory, facility, vendor, company, or location where the data generation platform was located, provided by the data contributor. Provide a value OR provide one of these values - Unknown Not collected, Not applicable, Not specified STRING ManifestColumn experimentalData

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